Positive Attitudes, Plans for Success

PEAK supports teens throughout their high school careers, but what happens after graduation? Whether it's college or another meaningful path, we want our scholars to be prepared for what lies ahead. PEAK's College Prep Workshops gathered parents, mentors, and scholars for a time to think, learn, and plan for next steps after becoming alumni!

Freshmen and sophomores attended one session together, which began with positive affirmations:

"I can. I will. End of story." "I have the power to create change." "I live in the present and am confident of the future."

Our younger scholars also learned about developing good habits, challenging themselves in school and leadership, and taking advantage of mentors and guides in their lives.

For junior and senior scholars who are in the thick of college research and applications, the workshop focused on different application deadlines (like early decision and rolling admission), questions to ask on a college tour, and scholarships to help finance college tuition.

We were fortunate to have Anterio Jackson of the Chicago Urban League facilitate both workshops, which will complement the college assistance provided to all PEAK scholars by their Holy Trinity Counselors. The future holds exciting things for each student, and we look forward to watching each class move on to the next phase of their lives!

Freshmen and sophomores learn about developing good habits and discipline.
